“Did You Know?” for April 2017
March 31st, 2017
Did you know the Young Peoples Christian League also known as the Y.P.C.L. was originally named the Christian Endeavor . The Christian Endeavor was founded and organized at Star of Hope Church in Sanford North Carolina in 1935 by the late Sister Sarah McLeod McDougald and the late Brother Robert Lee McLeod. The need for an organization where young Christians could grow and utilize their work through active Christian experiences, as they grew into Christian maturity was seen. The name Christian Endeavor was presented at the Sixty Eight Annual session of the Cape Fear & Southwestern Free Will Baptist Church Conference for approval. At this session the organization was given the name The Young People’s Christian League as the officials thought this name was more appropriate. Moderators Reverend A.B. Massey, Reverend W.R. Lofton, Vice Moderator Reverend A.R. Tew and Secretary Reverend L.A. McLean approved the organization and it was accepted by the body of church’s.