Original Cape Fear & Southwestern F.W.B.A.C.



2023 Annual Conference Program 


Greeting Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Mothers, and Congregational Members of the Original Cape Fear and Southwestern F.W.B. Annual Conference.

It is with great excitement that we prepare to gather for the  155th  Annual Conference on November 10-13, 2022 .

This years Conference will be held with FULL in-person participation at Mt. Pisgah Harnett OFWB Church, 145 Prospect Church Rd. Erwin, NC 28339

It is through much prayer and time before God that our Presiding Prelate, Bishop Frederick E. Clarida, Sr., has been given our theme for this year;

“It’s Harvest Time”

Supporting scripture;

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. ”

Matthew 9:37 (KJV)

We ask that you keep our Bishops and our Annual Conference in prayer as we come together for praise, worship, and fellowship.

Please encourage our brothers and sisters in our local churches to make a special effort to join us as instructed !

Click on the links to download the Conference Program.

156th Conference Program

We look forward to our Conference this year and seeing you all in person.