Lillington Grove O.F.W.B. Church


Church History

A Reflection of our Church History

Lillington Grove FWB Church is one of the first black churches founded in Harnett County after the Civil War; approximately 1867 and joined the Cape Fear Original Free Will Baptist Conference. The early records of the church were destroyed by fire. From the church deed the following names were recorded 1912 as Trustees : Mr. Ed. Cofield, Mr. Jeray McKoy and Mr. Mack Harrington. Later the church became part of the Cape Fear Original Free Will Baptist Conference.

Today many of the surnames of Lillington Grove membership can be traced to the original founders. The founders’ first meetings were held in the homes of McKay’s, McLean’s Murchison’s McNeill’s Bailey’s and other black families in the community. The meetings and prayer meetings were later moved from their homes inside to the “Brush Arbors” outside. Building materials for churches for black folks were not easily available or assessable. This was during the time that most black had obtained their freedom, a right that had been denied them over 200 years.

After a period of time, bread and butter money saved, land was donated and a small frame church erected. People came from miles around, north, south, east and west to Lillington Grove Church.  They came on mules and wagons, horses and buggies and many walking the distance crossing the  Cape Fear River on the old flat that was placed there before the bridge was built. It has been stated “The happiness in their souls often made them forget the tiredness in their feet.”

Former Pastors of the church were Elder Wright Lofton, Rev. Clyde McKethan, Elder A. Massey, Elder Leach, Elder T.T. Platt, Elder A.D. Herring, Elder I.T. Williams, Elder Elijah Newkirk, Bishop A. H. Hartsfield, Elder Linwood Randolph, Vice-President Bishop Robert C. Murphy and Elder Ernest Dunn.

Under the leadership of the late Rev. Clyde McKethan, Lillington Grove Church was rebuilt from its first wooden frame building to a larger wooden structure. As time passed and the congregation grew, there was a need for expansion and under the leadership of the late Elder A.D. Herring, Lillington Grove was rebuilt a third time from a small wood construction to a construction of concrete. Ground- breaking ceremonies and a new lunch room were erected under the leadership of the late Re. I.T. Wil- liams and additional work was done under the leadership of Elder Elijah Newkirk. Under the leadership of Dr. A.H. Hartsfield, tremendous changes were made. Not only was there a revitalizing of souls, but as in the book of Nehemiah, Pastor Hartsfield gave the people an inspiration to work and a mind to build, helping to defray costs and expenses with the members of the congregation. A new edifice was    added with new carpeting, new pews, a Pastor’s study, four classrooms, library, Secretary Office, Choir Room, upstairs conference room and lounge. Under the direction and leadership of Elder Linwood Randolph, souls were still being saved and the birth of the present Fellowship Hall was delivered as a new addition. The Gospel Choir was birth as well and added services were held on second and fourth Sundays. Under the guidance of the late II Vice-President Bishop Robert C. Murphy, he left his legacy of love for everyone to see and to experience. Bishop Murphy was a master at preaching and his prayers and praise lifted the hearts of all. As the congregation was healing from the loss of Bishop Murphy, it took many months before God gave us our next pastor. Elder Ernest Dunn was sent to us and served several years. Elder Dunn always let you know that “He Loved you with the Love of Christ” – “He loved you and there was nothing you could do about it”. Currently we are under the leadership of Elder Coleman Elliott. He is a man that is always studying the word of God to show himself approved. During his short time of pasturing he has declared an Annual Community Day Celebration to give back to the community. He acknowledged our Senior Citizens with a special banquet.  He is working closely with the spiritual leaders to ensure we are moving in the direction of God’s Will during this season. He is a transparent preacher that allows the Holy Spirit to abide within him as he preach and teach the Word of God to a hungry congregation of people.

Since history is known to repeat herself, we are still going through rifts, troubles, challenges, trials and tribulations, but the “The Grove” is still standing tall.